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Introduction to HRMS

Introduction to HRMS

Each and every enterprise needs people to manage and run its business. People are the most basic and the most important ingredient of any business. It could be an NGO, a Bank or a Robotics laboratory, no matter where the enterprise focuses on, it must need people to run it. That is why it becomes necessary for the enterprise to store organizational data along with employee data, and use them to manage the people related to the enterprise effectively. This requirement creates the market for a system called the Human Resource Management System.
Oracle E-Biz provides a very effective and scalable way to manage the Human Resource of an enterprise. It is called Oracle human Resource Management System (a.k.a Oracle HRMS / Oracle HCM). Oracle HRMS as a whole is a combination of few Sub Modules. Each sub module supports one particular type of application / practice. The most popular modules in Oracle HRMS are:
Oracle Human Resources: Also known as Core HR. This module helps managing enterprise structures, and Organizational hierarchy, position hierarchy, supervisor hierarchy etc. This module is the backbone of all the other sub modules in HRMS, also holds true for any other module in E-Biz.
Oracle Payroll: Also known as Payroll. This one helps managing employee payroll related details; whom all to pay, how much to pay, how to pay, when to pay, etc can be managed through this module.
Oracle Advanced Benefits: Also known as OAB/ Benefits. This module accounts for any non-monetary privileges provided by the enterprise for the employee. Life Insurance, Medical claims, enrolments etc are managed through this module.
Oracle Time and Labour: Also known as OTL. This module tracks the time sheet information of the employees. Who worked for how many hours, for which project or order, overtimes etc can be managed through this module.
Oracle Learning Management: Also known as OLM, This module manages the trainings and the competencies of a given enterprise. With this one can manage employee training needs, hiring external trainers, setting up classes etc.
Oracle iRecruitment: Also known as iRec. This module is used for recruitment processes. Managing applicants, vacancies, releasing offers etc are managed through this.
Compensation Workbench: Also known as CWB. This module is used to manage and budget the bonus, stock options etc. This empowers the enterprise with the statistical analysis, external comparisons, for better decision making on Compensation.
Oracle Performance Management: Also known as Oracle Talent Management/ performance management / PMS (Performance Management System). This one deals with the appraisals, competencies, proficiencies etc. This helps us to manage the appraisal cycles as a whole.
Oracle Daily Business Intelligence for Human Resources: Also known as DBI, a very powerful reporting tool for the HR and line managers. This is capable of summarizing the employee related details, for better decision making.
Oracle Self Service HR: Also known as SSHR. Quite effectively used as an interface to all other modules in HRMS, this module is like the face of HRMS. For an example, if an employee were to go in and submit his time sheet, or check his pay check or ask for training, this module gives him the interface. This is a web based interface that can be configured and be available to the employees for their usage.

Using Self Service

Self service Human resource or SSHR is a set of web based GUI, specially created for the end users. Users like employees, applicants, ex-applicants need not have to log in to forms and browse for data, they can simply log in to the SSHR pages and query and update data from there. There are two major reasons to do so, firstly, the end user need not know the flow in which Oracle works or the basics of Forms GUI; secondly the user need not have to be exposed to the enormous data we store in the applications. All it needs is to see data related to it. With these things in mind, Oracle gives the users a wonderful Web Based GUI Interface called Self Service Human Resource.
Although we can do wonders using SSHR, and it is a complete module by itself, we are not going to discuss the techno-functional aspects of SSHR; because of the vastness of the subject matter. However what we certainly plan to do is to discuss, how to use SSHR with respect to the different modules and application utilities we have learnt so far.
As we already discussed, it is a module by itself and there is a different responsibility to be attached to the user to be able to use it. Actually two:
  • Employee Self Service
  • Manager Self Service
The first one is used for the Employees, where they can enter their personal details, manage their competencies, self appraisals etc. and the second one is for managers, where they can manage their subordinates, Approve applications, Conduct appraisals etc.
If we look at the key functionality, we can divide it in three distinct types:
  • 1.       People Management
  • 2.       Talent Management
  • 3.       Compensation and Benefits Management

People Management
These are functionalities that enable the user to maintain their personal, professional and employment details.
Maintaining personal details will include functionality like:
  • ·         Store the Personal details
  • ·         Managing Addresses and phone numbers
  • ·         Managing Contacts, dependents and beneficiaries
  • ·         Managing Emergency Contacts
  • ·         Managing Documents of Records to store the Electronic documents
For Professional details:
  • ·         Store details on Educational Qualifications and Resume
  • ·         Manage competencies
  • ·         Manage work preferences
And lastly for employment details, the functionalities are:
  • ·         Store data in EIT and SITs
  • ·         Manage the assignments of subordinates.
  • ·         Manage Locations and supervisors of directs.
  • ·         Manage the pay rates for Contingent workers and other employees.
  • ·         Manage the work schedule and other employment information of the subordinates
  • ·         Terminate Employees and End the placements for contingent worker

Talent Management
Talent management set of functionalities are more related to the appraisal process, employee reviews and all. Some of the major functionalities are:
  • ·         Users can do self appraisal and submit it to the Supervisors
  • ·         Managers can complete employee appraisals, and submit reviews
  • ·         Users can create and manage events and bookings like presentations, trainings etc.
  • ·         Managers can enrol directs in to specific bookings.
  • ·         Managers can do a suitability matching to find out if there are any suitable profiles.
  • ·         Managers can also do succession planning for the positions that are going to be vacant in future, and identify the possible successors for the positions.

Compensation and Benefits Management
These set of functionality enable the users to do the following:
  • ·         Users can opt for Online or paper pay slips.
  • ·         Users can view their online pay slips.
  • ·         Users can set up their preferred payment methods, along with the bank account details if necessary.
  • ·         Users can see their absences, apply for absences.
  • ·         Managers can approve/ reject absences.
  • ·         Users can manage their Benefits online.
These are most widely used functionalities that a user or a Manager can do with SSHR. However as we had discussed earlier, the possibilities are huge. It is advised to log into SSHR and start exploring the usages, to learn more about the module. Using SSHR should not be a problem, as it is a user friendly GUI for end users.


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