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HRMS Fast Formula

Fast Formula


Oracle E-Biz is a huge set of programs, combined together in a way that the data across modules are closely connected to enforce business logic. It is designed with a lot of sophistication, in order to help businesses achieve their goals. Again the product was designed to cater to all kind of requirements to all sorts of businesses. Hence it is equally scalable, so that businesses can change the settings in a way their business rules want them to.

Configurability was at the centre of the focus when they built the product. With that in mind, Oracle has tried to give as many interfaces/ codes as possible, to the functional consultants, where they can key in codes and tweak the flow of the system and processes as per their demand. However usage of codes is not possible in each and every process of the application. There was a need of sub-programs that can be written by the Functional guys, so that it will be referred by the application to decide on the process. Those are like decision making sub-programs that ultimately return values, with which the application can decide the flow. Those sub-programs are called Fast Formulae.

Fast formulas / Rules are used whenever the codes are not adequate to meet the business requirement. And the codes are not adequate, because there is a complex logic involved to reach at a decision. But what are codes?  If you remember the flags that we check on the forms, like, we had in Organization screen; we added classifications, and checked the enabled flag. Let’s concentrate on the enabled flag now. What does it do? It tells the system, that the selected classification is valid and available. That’s what we call a decisive code, the code that tells the system to do something.

Picture a case where the decision is not so easy like a yes/ no. Think of this example, that the Classification should be valid only if (A=B and B=C and C<> D). This is where the code cannot be used, and we need a set of statements / subprograms to arrive at the decision. Those sub programs are called Fast Formulae.

Fast Formula is a Sub-Program that can be written by the functional Consultants. It is written in a language that resembles SQL, however a lot simplified. Although the syntax is like SQL, it looks a lot like English. It’s a whole language in itself and is very easy to learn. Even though a lot of functionalities are absent in comparison to SQL, there is provision to achieve any requirement using Fast Formulae. The trade off for simplicity of the language is the absence of complex functionalities.

Oracle has provided places to attach formulae, whenever there could be a need of a complex logic that a code cannot suffice. Each and every Fast Formula has a type with a set of allowed Input and Return Values. Let’s learn it as a Programming language first. Once we know the different programming constructs and the flow of the language, we will then focus on the input and return values.

Chapter Overview

This chapter talks about:

Fast formula and the need of it
Programming constructs of a Fast Formula
How to write a Fast Formula
Defining and using User Functions
Using Database Items, Global Variables and User Functions in Formulae
Formula Contexts and Parameters
Using PLSQL in Fast Formulae
Compiling a Formula
Tuning a Formula
Examples of Fast Formula
Learning Outcomes

After going through this Chapter, you should be able to:

Understand the need and usage of fast formulae
Write user functions and use them in formulae
Use Global Variables, Database items and PLSQL in fast formulae
Compile and fine-tune a fast formula

The Dictionary


While writing a program, we will need different place holders that can hold values. Let’s take an example of a swapping program. We want to swap the value between A to B. To do this, what should we do? Get a new place holder called X, which can hold the values for us, and run the following statements.

X = A

A = B

B = X

Here X is a place holder. This place holder is called a variable, which can store a value at one point of time. And the value can be changed as per the requirement of the program during the execution of the program in other words, at the runtime.


A Constant is a Variable that does not change its value throughout the program. Like the mathematical value of Pi is approximately at 3.141. If we wish to change its value to 2, we cannot do it; because it is a constant.

There are few rules we must follow while using Constants:

If the constant is of type Numeric, then we should not use comma in the numbers.
We should not use Exponential values as Constants.
The Text Constants should always be in single quotes.
 If we are using a  date constant, we can follow two different types of date formats:
‘DD-MON-YYYY’ like: ’01-AUG-1984’
 ‘YYYY-MON-DD HH24:MI:SS’ like ‘1985-JAN-18 14:05:11’
If we have multiple language support in our applications, then we must use the second type of dates.

Data Type

Oracle FF supports three types of data.

Numeric: For number
Text: For Text / Characters and strings
So, any Variable or Constant will have to be one of these three data types.


An Expression is a combination of Variables and Constants with either an Arithmetic operator or a Function. We will park functions as of now, because we are going to learn it later in this chapter. Let’s take the following example with arithmetic operators to learn about the expressions.

Here RATE is a Variable of type Number. PREMIUM_VALUE is a Constant of numbers and so is EMPLOYER_CONTRIBUTION. Now the resultant of the arithmetic subtraction between these two numbers will be stored in the variable “Rate”. This entire sentence can be called as an Expression.

Database Items

In a formula, we might need the details of various stored information to calculate something. For Example, Age of an employee, Employees basic Salary YTD (Year to date: Basic Salary earned by an employee till date in this year) etc. In a case we need these types of values; we can get the data from the database by running a query. However fetching these values are difficult inside a Fast Formula and it drastically impacts the performance of the formula.

To solve this issue, Oracle has come up with a concept of Database Items. These are hidden queries created and stored by oracle, with a name. We will just have to refer the name in the formula and oracle runs the related query in the backend and gets us the results.

Global Values

There are few variables that do not change very frequently. For an example, Company wide Bonus Percentage, Company’s short name etc. these values do not change very frequently. To store these kinds of values, we can use Lookups, but to use the value in the Fast Formula, we must have a query to get the data from the lookup. So Oracle has provided something called a Global Variable. The Global value is stored in a date tracked table, and can be easily used, with the Global Variable name. With this, we do not have to write a query to fetch the value stored in the Global Variable; we can just mention the name and the formula will fetch the value at the runtime.  The Global Variable can be accessed from any fast formula.


There are a set of functionalities that we need very frequently in fast formulae. Like calculating the Greatest of three numbers, Average of two numbers etc. Rather than adding the code every time in the fast formula, oracle gives us the liberty of storing that code somewhere and just using the code whenever necessary. This design is used keeping the code reusability in mind. Those codes are called Functions. These are few advantages:

Once written the Function can be used in any Fast formula (If contexts match, we will discuss about the contexts later).
Oracle gives us a wide set of seeded functions that can be used in fast formulae.
Oracle enables us to define our own Functions, and use them across formulae.
The User Defined Functions are capable of calling PL/SQL functions, which makes it easy for the user to define complex business processes with ease.

Writing a Formula

As we are aware, based on the place where it is attached to, the input and the return variables of a formula vary. That is why, different formula types are defined based on the purpose and provision. Few Examples are:
  • Accrual Formula: Determines the leave accruals of a person.
  • Age Calculation Formula: Calculates the age of a Person in derived factors.
  • Rounding Formula: To calculate the Rounded value.
Each and every formula type has its own set of Input Values and Return values. There are around 150 formula types in HR, and their details are huge, so it is not possible for us to discuss all sorts of formulae here, however we will discuss a few types that are important. In case we need to know the specifics of a Particular formula, there are documents available on Oracle support that we can download. As we had decided earlier, we will focus primarily on the language.

Defining a Formula
We will start with defining a formula. There is just one screen to deal with. See Figure 5.1 – Write Formula.
  • Responsibility: Super HRMS Manager
  • Navigation: Total Compensation -> Basic ->Write Formulas

(Figure 5.1 – Write Formula)

Name of the Formula
Type of the Formula
This flag denotes that the formula is compiled and no errors were found
From Date
The start date of the record
To Date
The end date of the record
This opens the editor where we actually write the program
Show Items
This opens the database Item Box. We will learn more about these later
Input Values
This opens the Input Values box with all the Elements and their available input values

Defining Variables
Variables are the place holders in which we save values for our calculation. Although all the place holders that are used to store values are known as the Variables; there are different types of them.
There are three types of variables available in Fast Formulae.
  • Local variables: These are the most frequently used variables. These variables are defined inside a formula, and they stay valid only within the scope of the formula. We use local variables to store temporary information, which is used later in the program. In the example of swapping values from A to B, X was the temporary variable. Usually the frequently changing information is stored in Local Variable.
  • Global variables: These variables, as the name suggests, has a global scope in comparison to the Local Variables. The Global variables can be accessed by all Formulae within the application, and the value of a global variable cannot be updated with in the Formula. We usually store the slowly changing information in these variables. We use the Global Value screens to create and update Global Variables.
  • Database Items: The third category of the variable type will be the DBIs. As we know, DBIs are the values retrieved by stored queries in the application, which is hidden from the front end. 

Using Data Types
Data types define the type of data being stored in the variable. There can be three types of data in Oracle Fast Formulae:
  1. Text
  2. Number
  3. Date
While defining a variable, we must define its data type. If the data type is not added along with the variable, the compiler takes it as a Number.

Using Operators
Operators add meaning to an expression. Let’s take an example of an Expression.
IF   [ ( ( A + B ) = C )   OR   ( ( P – Q ) <>  R ) ] THEN
In the example given above, the portion between IF and THEN can be called as an Expression, which looks like this:
[ ( ( A + B ) = C )   OR   ( ( P – Q ) <>  R ) ]
Now, the symbols +,-, =, <>, ‘OR’ are called operators. The Operators instruct the compiler about the arithmetic / logical action that needs to be taken on the variables to arrive at a result of the expression.
There are two types of Operators that are used in Formulas
  • Arithmetic Operators: used in arithmetic calculations. Example: +, -, *, / etc.
  • Logical Operators: used in logical calculations. Example: =, <>, <, >, OR, AND etc.
Let’s take some time to look at them individually.
Adds two values. In case of text, it adds the two strings and makes it one.
Subtracts two values.
Multiplies two values
Divides the first value with the second.
There are two usages.
1.       Determines if the expressions on both sides match. If they do, it’s a Pass.
2.       Assigns the Right side value to the variable on the left side.
<>, !=, ><
Determines if the expressions on both sides do not match. If they don’t, it’s a Pass.

Determines if the value on the left side is bigger than that the one on the right. If it is, It’s a pass.
Determines if the value on the left side is smaller than that the one on the right. If it is, It’s a pass.
> =
It is a pass, if the value / variable on the left side is bigger than or equal to the one on its right.
< =
It is a pass, if the value / variable on the left side is smaller than or equal to the one on its right.
It is a pass, if the value on the left side is matching with the right. The “Like” Operator is similar to that of ‘=’, with only two differences.
Like works only with Text variables/ constants
Like takes the wild card character ‘%’ (any number of characters) and ‘_’ (One character).
NOTE: Oracle fast Formulae are case Sensitive to the Text Values. ‘Joe’ and ‘JOE’ are not same.
Not Like
It works similar to the ‘Like’ Operator; however it works like the inversion of the later. 

There are few things that we must keep in mind while using Arithmetic operators:
  • The second operand on a division should never be ‘ZERO’.
  • We must not use two big numbers for multiplication, if the resultant is too big, it errors.
  • So is the case with subtraction, if the resultant is a negative number. It errors if the resultant is a big negative number. 

Flow of an Expression
In an Expression, the compiler executes the statements from left to right taking the brackets as precedence.
Let’s take an example to understand it better:
X = [ ( ( A + B ) / C )   *  ( ( P – Q ) * R ) ]
In this Expression, there are four different arithmetic calculations to be done. The way Oracle Fast Formula decides the flow is:
  • It goes from Left to Right
  • Calculates the expressions inside the Brackets first.
So, if we implement the rules, we will see, the Fast formula will execute the statement in this flow:
  1. A + B
  2. ( Result of 1 ) / C
  3. P – Q
  4. ( Result of 3 ) * R
  5.  (Result of 2) * (Result of 4)
  6. Result of 5 is assigned to X
Usually the Expression uses operands of same data type to arrive at a resultant. However, there are a few exceptions like:
X = DAYS_BETWEEN (Date1, Date2) + 9
In this expression, X will have a numeric value, as DAYS_BETWEEN is a function that returns a number, which is the difference of days between the two dates. The resultant number of the function is then added to the number 9 and then the final result is stored in the Variable X. So what does that show? Even though the operands are of a certain data type, the resultant data type may vary based on the functions.

A statement is a sentence that completes a task in a Program. There can be four types of statements.
  • Input Statement
  • Assignment statement
  • Conditional Statement
  • Return Statement
Let’s take the most famous Formula example in payroll
2.  If HOURS_WORKED  > 0 then
4.  Else
5.  WAGE =  1  *  HOURLY_RATE

Now, let’s analyze the Formula.
  • The statement 1 is an Input statement.
  • Statement 2 and 4 are conditional statements.
  • Statement 3 and 5 are assignment statements.
  • And statement 6 is a return Statement.

Input Statement
The input statements are used, to pass the Input values from element into our formula. Each and every element has some input values attached to it, which hold the values. In a formula, if we are using Input Values, we need to write a statement that tells the formula about the different Input values in use.
Like we have used in the example:  
Here, the HOURS_WORKED and the HOURLY_RATE are the two Input values from the Elements.
The syntax is:
INPUTS ARE Input_value_1 (data type) [, Input_value_2 (data type)]
The FF Compiler takes Number as the default data type. If the INPUT_VALUE is mentioned without any data type, the compiler takes them as a Number. For Text ad Date data types, we must add the variable name along with the Input value. In our example, both the Input Values are of Numeric type.

Assignment Statement
The assignment statement represents assignment of a variable. With this statement, a variable gets updated with a new value.
The syntax is:
Variable = expression
The Resultant of the expression on the left hand side is calculated and placed on the variable on the left hand side, which must be a Local Variable, as we know no other types of variable can be updated with in a formula.
Conditional Statement
A Conditional statement has a condition and a resultant attached to it. The resultant is executed if the condition matches.
The syntax is:
IF condition THEN

Here, if the condition matches, then the statement1 is executed; and if the condition does not match, then the statement2 is executed.
Oracle Fast Formula does not understand “End If”; unlike other programming languages
The Conditions in an IF statement can be Multiple with logical operators like AND / OR. If the entire condition passes, it’s a pass. For an example, we can have an IF Statement like this:
IF [((A=B) AND (C=D)) OR (E=F)] THEN
To simplify the above example, we can write it like this. 
1.       IF [
2.       (
3.       (A=B) AND (C=D)
4.       ) OR
5.       (E=F)
6.       ] THEN
Here, based on the logical operator settings, we can be sure that the condition passes, if either 3 or 5 is a pass.
If more than one statement is to be executed inside an IF, we can take help of brackets. In case of absence of brackets, the compiler takes the first statement as part of the conditional statements and executes the rest unconditionally.
        Take this example:
X = R
Y= S

Here, the brackets ensure both statements get executed when the condition is a pass.
Now, let’s have a look at this:
X = R
Y = S
In this case only the statement ‘X = R is executed only if the condition matches, and statement ‘Y = S is executed irrespective of the condition given above. So what did we conclude? The application takes just one statement after the IF statement as part of the condition, if there are no brackets in it. It makes sense, right?

Return Statement
Each and every formula type expects a set of resultants from the formula to be fed to the application. So if we have attached a formula at a place in the application, the application expects the resultants in order to decide on the next action. Those resultants are known as the Return Values.
Every formula must have one, and may have more than one return Values. Those return values are given back to the application with the use of Return Statements. Oracle Fast Formula stops executing the formula, when it finds the Return Statement.
In Our Example, the wage was calculated with the arithmetic formulas, and at the end, the calculated wage is returned back to the application by the return statement which looks like this: “RETURN WAGE”. Did we see the variable Wage is not initialized? That is because the formula knows its return type, and hence automatically defines the local variable in that data type.

Using Input values
Input values are place holders to store values for a particular element entry. For an example, if we have an element called “Weekly Wage” and it has an input value as “HOURS_WORKED” then, then we can use the input value to store the number of hours worked by the employee in employee’s element entries.
Later, we can use the Input value in my formula to calculate the wage multiplying the HOURLY_RATE with the HOURS_WORKED. Simple, isn’t it? Input values come handy in FFs, because we can directly use the input value name in the fast formula, and based on the ASSIGNMENT_ID and the Payroll run being evaluated, the Hours Worked will be pulled from the element entries and can be used directly there, without any extra line of code. In the Write fast Formula screen, we have a button for Input values, which lists all the valid Element types and the corresponding Input Values from which we can choose the one we are going to use.
Input values can be used in the FF, only after we define the Inputs with an Input statement. An Input statement looks like this:
Here, the HOURS_WORKED and HOURLY_RATE are the two input values that can be used in the fast formula. Let’s look at few points related to Input Values and their usages.
  • As both these input values in the example, are numbers we did not have to add the data type in the statement, however for any other data type, we must have the data type added in brackets just after the Input value name.
  • We must make sure the Input values are not null for any assignment. In such cases our calculation might go wrong. To avoid such issues, we can use the Default keyword. The statement might look like:
Default for HOURLY_RATE is 35.00

Was Defaulted
We just discussed about the default statement. So when will the default value of 35 be applied over the HOURLY_RATE? It will be defaulted, only when the Input value for the assignment being evaluated for the Payroll run is Null.
We can always check, if the Input value was defaulted or not, by using the “was defaulted” key word in a conditional statement.
The syntax looks like this:
For an example, in a fast formula, we need the assignment_id of the employee being evaluated. In this case, we might default the assignment_id as ‘0’. So whenever the syatem will not find a valid (Not Null) assignment_id it will assign it a value ‘0’. However before using the assignment_id, we might want to check if the data was fetched properly. In this case, we would use Was Defaulted to check if the value was retrieved or was just defaulted. Based on that fact, we can write the next set of statements.

Global Variables
As we know, we store the Global information in Global variables. We store the information that does not change frequently. Let’s see how to configure the Global Values. See Figure 5.2 – Global Values.
  • Responsibility: Super HRMS Manager
  • Navigation: Total Compensation -> Basic ->Write Formulas

(Figure 5.2 – Global Values)

Name of the Global Value.
Description, a free text.
Type of the variable. Could be Date, Number or Text.
The Value of the Global Value.
Start Date
Start Date of the Global Value.
End Date
End date.

Using Database Items

Database Items are the hidden queries used by the application to provide fast information in the Fast Formula. The query actually uses a set of values as Contexts, which is passed by the Fast Formula to the DBI. Using the context the query pulls the data from the application tables, using the defined query.
Question, what are the data that are available in DBIs? There are many, mainly the assignment details, Contact details, Input Values, Balances etc.
·         For the Input Values we must check the create Database Item flag in Input Value definition screen in elements, in order to create a DBI for the same.
·         For DFFs and KFFs, we must run the “Create Descriptive Flex field DB Items” process and “Create Key Flex field DB Items process” respectively, to have the DBIs created.
·         For all others the DBI gets created without any added tasks.
There is a button called “Show Items” in the Write Formula Screen. This button opens up a form that lists all the Database Items that are available to the formula type. Now, how does the system identify if a DBI should be available to the formula type or not? It is the context.
Every formula runs with a set of contexts. The contexts are:

Based on the type of formula, the contexts are used. And Most of the DBIs need contexts to provide required results. Because the query in the DBI, needs some inputs and the inputs are given by the Contexts. So if the context is missing, the DBIs will not be able to pull the data. For an example, we will not need payroll related contexts, if we are writing a formula for Benefits. So a Benefits Formula will not have Payroll contexts and eventually will not have the payroll related DBIs. So it is always advised to check the “Show Items” button while writing the formula, to be sure if the DBI is available in there.

There are two types of DBIs.
1.       Static Database Items
2.       Dynamic Database Items
The static database Items are seeded along with the application. They get created during the time of Implementation. Examples of Static DBIs are:
·         PER_LAST_NAME: Stores the last name of the Person.
·         PAY_PERIODS_PER_YEAR: Stores the number of Pay periods in a year for a payroll.
·         ASG_SALARY_BASIS: Salary basis of an employee.
The Dynamic Database Items, as the name suggests are created dynamically while we create an Element / absence type / DFF etc. The Different types are:
·         Flex Field DBIs
o        Created only after the Create Descriptive/ Key Flex field DB Items process is run
o        It adds the Segment name to the end of the DBI name for uniqueness.
o        Example: PEOPLE_<Segment Name>
·         Element DBIs
o        Created when the Elements are created.
o        It adds the Element Name and Input Value name as a prefix for uniqueness.
o        Example: <Element Name>_<Input Value Name>_ENTRY_VALUE
·         Grade Rates DBIs / Pay Scale DBIs
o        Created when a pay scale / grade rate is defined.
o        It adds Grade name and the pay scale name to the DBI’s name for uniqueness
·         Absence DBIs
o        Created when an absence types is created.
o        It adds the Absence name as the prefix for uniqueness.
To fetch the exact query that is used in a DBI, we can use the following query:
SELECT   user_name
        , definition_text
        , item.data_type
        , null_allowed_flag
        , text
        ,'B' || sequence_no context_sequence
        , context_name
    FROM apps.ff_database_items item,
         apps.ff_user_entities ent,
         apps.ff_routes route,
         ff_contexts fc,
         ff_route_context_usages frcu
   WHERE item.user_entity_id = ent.user_entity_id
     AND route.route_id = ent.route_id
     AND user_name = '&DBI_NAME'
     AND route.route_id = frcu.route_id
     AND fc.context_id = frcu.context_id

The query returns the following:
Name of the Database Item.
The Select Clause of the query.
The data type of the DBI return Value.
Tells if the DBI can return Null; If this is Y, we should use Defaults.
The ‘FROM’ clause and the ‘WHERE’ clause.
The sequence that is used in the where clause.
The corresponding Data that is expected in place of the sequence.

So, if we take an example and run the query for “PTO_ACCRUAL_PLAN_ID”
Definition Text will be: DISTINCT PAP.ACCRUAL_PLAN_ID
TEXT will be:
/* route for dates used in accrual plan calculations */
         pay_element_entries_f pee,
         pay_accrual_plans pap,
         pay_element_links_f pel
  where  pap.accrual_plan_element_type_id = pel.element_type_id
  and    pel.element_link_id = pee.element_link_id
  and    pee.element_entry_id = &B1
  and    &B2 between pee.effective_start_date
              and     pee.effective_end_date
And the Contexts will be:
So, the query will be:
SELECT < Definition Text >
As per our example, the query will look like this:
SELECT DISTINCT pap.accrual_plan_id
           FROM     /* route for dates used in accrual plan calculations */
                pay_element_entries_f pee,
                pay_accrual_plans pap,
                pay_element_links_f pel
          WHERE pap.accrual_plan_element_type_id = pel.element_type_id
            AND pel.element_link_id = pee.element_link_id
            AND pee.element_entry_id = &b1
            AND   &b2 BETWEEN pee.effective_start_date AND pee.effective_end_date
We will learn more about the tables in Technical essay Section.

Using Aliases
The database item names are big and hence are difficult to remember. It is very difficult to remember each and every data base item, and write the names accordingly, while writing a big fast formula. Here the concept of Alias is very useful. The name itself is self explanatory.
Let’s take an example:
In this above statement the DBI is aliased as BARG_UNIT. Hence forth in the Formula we can easily refer BARG_UNIT and the compiler will understand that the BARG_UNIT means the value returned by the Database Item.

Comments in Fast Formula
Comments are always preferred in coding, and Oracle Fast Formula is no exception. We can add as many comments and white lines in a formula as you want to increase the readability.
A Comment starts with /* and ends with */. Compiler ignores everything in between these two symbols. Comments never impact the performance of a Formula; hence as a standard practice, we should always add the Formula Name, Type, Input Values, Return Types, DBIs if any, flow of the code and also the versions with comments in order to make it more standard and readable. We should also add comments in between the codes to explain the purpose of the statements, in case the statement is complex. We should not put Comments in between Comments as the compiler does not understand the nesting and throws an error.

Writing a User Function

Functions are the sub-programs that take some inputs and after performing a particular Mathematical / logical calculation, return a value. The subprogram once defined, can be called from and used in any Formula.

Contexts and Parameters
A function takes Input Values, processes them and returns an output.  The input values can be fed by the Contexts used in the Formula it is being called from. But what are contexts?
The contexts are the mandatory values that are passed to the called formula automatically by the system. For an example, if the formula being called is a Payroll Formula, the payroll engine will pass some basic information to the formula automatically, information like, the assignment_id being evaluated,element_id being processed etc. As these values are seeded by the system by default, we do not have to worry about fetching them at the run time.
However, when we plan to create a user function, that is going to be used in that payroll formula, we can use the assignment_id and the element_id as a context to the function, and the function will be able to retrieve that data automatically, when called from the formula. If the contexts do not suffice, we can also add Parameters to the function. The Parameters can be of one of these types, “Input Only”, “Output Only” and “Both Input and Output”. The Parameters have to be passed on to the Function, while being called, unlike contexts that get passed automatically. So how do we plan, where to use parameter? We will take another example to understand this.
Let’s plan to write a function named “GET_LEAVE_DAYS”, which does the following:
·       FROM_DATE


·       Number of Days


It takes the FROM_DATE; it calculates the number of leaves taken in the given Absence Type from that date till Today and returns the number of days.

In this example, we can take ASSIGNMENT_ID as the Context, envisioning it to be one of the context values passed to the formula, based on the formula type in which the function will be used. Then we can use the rest two inputs as the parameters. So while calling the function from a Formula, which has ASSIGNMENT_ID as one of the contexts, we will have to call it like this:
In this case, LEAVE_DAYS is a local variable of type number, to receive the output given by the function, where as L_ABSENCE_ATTENDANCE_TYPE_ID and L_DATE are the two different variables that are initialized and passed on to the function.
So what did we just discuss?
·        If it is a Context value, we do not have to pass it onto the function, while it is being called, but all the other parameters will have to be passed.
·      If there is only one input value, then we do not have to pass a separate parameter for the Output type, because every function is capable of taking one output by default. However if there are more than one output value, we will have to make one for the default and all others have to be marked as Output Parameters.
·        If we attach a Particular context to the function, we can use the function only within a formula which has that particular context is use. For an example, the above function cannot be used in a Formula that does not take an assignment id. To use this, we might as well move the ASSIGNMENT_ID to the parameters, and pass the value, than using it as a context.

Function Code
Function codes are usually written in PL/SQL; where we write a PL/SQL Function to be called by the Formula function. The PL/SQL Function takes all the Input and Output parameters including the Contexts and return a value based on the Output parameter.

Defining User Functions
Let’s now learn how to define a user function. See Figure 5.3 – Functions.
  • Responsibility: Super HRMS Manager
  • Navigation: Other Definitions -> Formula Functions

(Figure 5.3 – Functions)

Name of the Function.
Data Type
The data type of the default Output parameter. In simple words, Return type.
This defines the type of the Function. It can be of three types:
·         User Defined Function
·         Formula
·         External function
 If we are creating new function then use: External Function. The rest two are reserved for Oracle Seeded functions.
Alias name
The alias name of the function. This is option yet useful in case we have a long function name
Description, optional, free text.
This is where we define the PL/SQL function call. In the image we can see, it is referring to the package name. Function name
Context Usages
This button allows us to add contexts in to the function.
This button allows us to add parameters on to the function.

Once the Function is defined, the next task is to assign contexts if any. Click on the Context Usages button, it should open a screen, where we can enter a sequence number and choose a value from the context list. The Data type gets populated automatically. See Figure 5.4 – Function Contexts.

(Figure 5.4 – Function Contexts)
Once the Contexts are defined, the next task is to add parameters. Click on the Parameters button, add a sequence number, and add a Parameter name and type. See Figure 4.5 – Function Parameters. The class should be mentioned based on the parameter type, whether it is an Input / Output or Both. We should then check the Option flag, if the parameter is not a required one in the function. We must mark it as continuing, if we wish to call the parameter more than once in the function. 

(Figure 5.5 – Function Parameters)
The next task is to define a pl/SQL function that will have the business logic. Remember the following things while defining a Pl/SQL function for a Formula function:
·        All the Contexts and the Parameters must be used in the function definition, along with the proper data type and class.
·        The optional Parameters can be passed with a null.
·        It is always better to include the function in a package and call it from the formula Functions.
There are a lot of seeded functions provided by Oracle E-Biz. Those functions are not updatable. So before creating a new function, it is always advised to check if there is one already there with the same functionality, provided by Oracle.

Using PLSQL in a Formula

As the language used in fast formulae is very simple, it is little tricky to implement complex business logic in them. From complex we mean a large set of conditions and a pile of code that would last about 10,000 lines. The difficulty is not only limited to the implementation part of it, but also the maintenance of the code. In cases like that, we should use a PLSQL stored program to manage the business logic for us, and then we can call the PLSQL program from the FF to yield the desired result.
Using a PLSQL program also lets us use all the pluses from the Object Oriented Programming in fast formulae. For example, we can exploit core reusability, Overloading etc in PLSQL and finally use them in the formula.
The most preferred way to embed a PLSQL code in a formula is through user functions. As user functions support contexts and parameters, those are capable of connecting the fast formula to the programming objects. Let’s see the steps to do so:
  • Write a PLSQL stored Procedure / function, that takes the required IN parameters and returns the OUT parameter
  • It is advised to encapsulate the procedures / functions related to one particular business functionality in a particular package. For an example, all the procedures used for Skip rules can reside in one package, and all that relate to Accrual calculation stays in another. We can also create a common payroll package that holds all the code that relates to common payroll functionality
  • Next, code the business logic inside the procedure / function and return a value based on the logic
  • Create a user function and attach the PLSQL code to it. Remember to key in the contexts and parameters whenever necessary
  • Go to the formula, initiate the parameters if any, and call the user function from there, with the parameters
  • Finally, based on the return value from the PLSQL object, set the outputs and return them

Compiling a Formula

Like all other programming languages, fast formulae have their own compilers to translate the complex language to a standard system language. When we write the code in to the Write formula window and hit on “Save”, the compiler comes into action. It scans the entire formula and looks for the compilation errors.  The Compilation errors are usually the syntax related issues, or context related issues, where a function is being used without appropriate context related to the formula. Once the Compilation errors are field and the code is verified, it checks the Verified check box in the write formulas screen.
The compiler takes care of the Compilation errors, but not the runtime errors. There can be run time errors that appear on a formula during execution. To solve those, we can debug the formula from the error text or simply add messages to the formula text.
Here is a list of Common run time formula errors and the possible reasons.
Possible Error Reasons
Invalid Number
If a DBI context expects a number and is passed with a non-numeric value.
Uninitialized Variables
One or more of the variables are not initialized properly.
Null Data Found
This error comes when a DBI has Null allowed flag as Y and is not defaulted.
Divide by Zero
The Famous mathematical error. There is a division with the second parameter having a value of zero.
No Data Found
Usually when a DBI does not find a row in Database
Too Many Rows
More than one rows returned by the Database

Efficiency of a Formula

We have known how to write a Formula, right? Let’s talk about the Dos and Don’ts to make sure the written formula runs efficiently. Here are few points:
·        Use the minimum possible Elements as possible, as the Elements take a lot of time to be fetched and processed.
·        In case we have to use more than one element, use the Input Values for just one element and use the DBI for all others. This makes the Formula run faster.
·        However if we are using just one element, Database Items run slower than the Input Values.
·        The number of statements (Excluding the Comments) in a Formula increases the processing duration. So we should always try to make the formula short.
So instead of writing:
A = C * D
E = A /15
We should write:           
E = (C * D) / 15
·         Usage of unnecessary functions is a killer. We should avoid the format functions, like TO_DATE, TO_CHAR etc. unless we really need them.
·         Aliases always help. Although it increases in readability, there is no impact on Performance.

Examples of a Formula

Let’s look at one example of a Fast Formula. The first one is a simple Participation and Rate Eligibility Formula, and the second one is a complex Payroll formula.

FORMULA TYPE: Participation and Rate Eligibility
FORMULA DESCRIPTION: The Formula gets the Gender of the Participant being evaluated by the function get_gender(),Then it compares the Values, If It’s a Male then the Return Variable ‘ELIGIBLE’ is set to N else Y. So if a Participant is a Male he is denies Eligibility, Else he is granted.
l_gender = get_gender()
if l_gender = 'M' then
( ELIGIBLE = 'N' )

   FORMULA TYPE:   Payroll

   CREATED BY      DATE                  COMMENT 

   /* ===== Alias Section Begin ====== */
   /* ===== Alias Section End ====== */
   /* ===== Defaults Section Begin ===== */
   DEFAULT FOR PAY_PROC_PERIOD_END_DATE     IS '0001/01/02 00:00:00' (DATE)
   DEFAULT FOR ASG_SALARY                       IS 0
   DEFAULT FOR USER_ENTERED_TIME                      IS 'N'
   DEFAULT FOR Timecard_Required                IS 'N'
   DEFAULT FOR Work_Schedule                    IS 'NOT ENTERED'
   DEFAULT FOR ASG_HOURS                        IS 0
   DEFAULT FOR Hours                            IS 0
   DEFAULT FOR Factor                         IS 1
   DEFAULT FOR Rate                             IS 0
   DEFAULT FOR Rate_Code                        IS 'NOT ENTERED'
   DEFAULT FOR ASG_FREQ                         IS 'NOT ENTERED'
   DEFAULT FOR  MAXIMUM_AMOUNT                  IS 0
   DEFAULT FOR  PRORATE_START IS '0001/01/01 00:00:00' (DATE)
   DEFAULT FOR  PRORATE_END IS '0001/01/01 00:00:00' (DATE)
   DEFAULT FOR ENTRY_DATE_EARNED                IS '0001/01/01 00:00:00' (DATE)



   DEFAULT FOR  NMA_Percentage       IS ' '
   DEFAULT FOR  Project_number       is ' '
   DEFAULT FOR  task_number          is ' '
   DEFAULT FOR  union                is ' '
   DEFAULT FOR  Job                  is ' '
   DEFAULT FOR  Shift                IS ' '
   DEFAULT FOR  Rate                 IS 0
   /* ===== Inputs Section Begin ===== */
   INPUTS ARE project_number,
   lv_amt      = 0
   lv_rate     = 0
   lv_hrs_wrkd = 0
   lv_hrs_paid = 0
   lv_nma_flag = ' '
   mesg        = ' '
   lv_shift    = 0
   lv_nma_pct  = 1
   lv_flag = 0
   lv_job_nm   = ' '
   lv_union_nm = ' '
  IF job was defaulted then
    lv_job_nm  = ' '
    lv_job_nm    = FUNC_PAY_ID_CONV('JOB',to_number(job))
  IF union was defaulted then
     lv_union_nm = ' '
     lv_union_nm  = FUNC_PAY_ID_CONV('UNION',to_number(union))
     (lv_shift = 1)
     IF (FUNC_PAY_ID_CONV('SHIFT',to_number(shift)) = '1st Shift') THEN
        (lv_shift = 1)
       IF (FUNC_PAY_ID_CONV('SHIFT',to_number(shift)) = '2nd Shift') THEN
           (lv_shift = 2)
          IF (FUNC_PAY_ID_CONV('SHIFT',to_number(shift)) = '3rd Shift') THEN
             (lv_shift = 3)

   /* Calculation starts */
   /* Determine if the employee is working under NMA or under International Agreement */

     (lv_nma_flag = 'N'
      lv_nma_pct  = 1
     (lv_nma_flag = 'Y'
      lv_nma_pct  = to_number(FUNC_PAY_ID_CONV('NMA',to_number(NMA_percentage)))/100

/* Rate Calculation */

IF (lv_nma_pct = 1 AND
    lv_shift = 1)
   (lv_rate = rate)
   IF (lv_shift = 1)
      (lv_rate = rate*lv_nma_pct)
      IF (lv_shift = 2)
         (lv_rate = ((rate*lv_nma_pct) + FUNC_PAY_NMA_SHIFT2))
         IF (lv_shift = 3)
            (lv_rate = ((rate*lv_nma_pct) + FUNC_PAY_NMA_SHIFT3))
/* Amount, hours worked and hours paid calculation */

 (lv_amt      = lv_rate * hours * factor
lv_hrs_paid = hours * factor
(lv_amt      = lv_rate * hours
  lv_hrs_paid = hours

/* Calculate hours worked and hours paid */

lv_hrs_wrkd = hours

/* Storing the earning calculated info for further accrual and deduction calculations */
lv_flag =FUNC_EARN_JRNL(lv_amt,lv_rate,lv_hrs_wrkd,lv_hrs_paid,lv_nma_flag,project_number,task_number,job,union,lv_nma_pct,lv_job_nm,lv_union_nm)
IF lv_flag = 0
  (mesg = 'Successfully calculated and inserted into stage table')
  (mesg = 'Error in inserting into stage table')

/*===================== RETURN SECTION ===========================*/

/* ===== Returns Section End ===== */

Technical Aspect

Here is a list of all tables that store the Fast Formulas data.
    • In the table below, if the Date tracked column is marked as Yes, assume the Primary key to be Composite. The given Primary will bind with the two date tracked columns to make the Composite Primary keys
    • Some of the values in the column Table could be a view / synonym.
 Table Name
 Date Tracked?
 Primary Key
Stores the details of the Formulae, along with the Business group, formula type, and the text.
Stores the details of the Formula Functions.
Stores the details of the DBIs along with the Definition Text and user Entity.
Stores the Entity Related Information with ROUTE_ID
This one stores the actual query of the DBI along with other details.
Stores the different contexts used in the DBI
Composite Primary Key
This links the FF_ROUTES and the FF_CONTEXTS tables.


In this chapter we discussed about the need and usage of fats formulas. We started with the basics, like variables, data types and expressions. Then we moved on to the database items and global variables. We discussed about the flow of a formula, the conditions, comments, Input Values and the different keywords. Then we discussed about the user functions, their definition and how they are helpful in adopting PLSQL programming into formulae. We discussed the compilations, tips on the efficiency of the formula, the underlying table structures and finally we saw two different examples of fast formulas.


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