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Using Attachement API in Oracle Apps

How to use Attachment APIs

1. Create Directory - Optional
CREATE DIRECTORY test as '/home/oracle/'
Grant all on directory test to public
2. Upload file to the location / Identify the location of the Document to be attached
l_rowid ROWID;
l_attached_document_id NUMBER;
l_document_id NUMBER;
l_media_id NUMBER;
l_category_id NUMBER;
l_pk1_value fnd_attached_documents.pk1_value%TYPE:=747085;----<Primary Key information that uniquely identifies the product (such as the product_ID)>;
l_description fnd_documents_tl.description%TYPE:='Test Attachment';
l_filename VARCHAR2(240) :='FNDWRR.pdf';--'cost allocation code.txt'; --'<File Name>';
l_file_path varchar2(240) := 'test';---'SALE_INVOICE_PATH'; --Server Directory Path for upload files
l_seq_num NUMBER;
l_blob_data BLOB;
l_blob BLOB;
l_bfile BFILE;
l_byte NUMBER;
l_fnd_user_id NUMBER;
l_short_datatype_id NUMBER;
x_blob BLOB;
fils BFILE;
blob_length INTEGER;
l_entity_name VARCHAR2(100) :='PO_VENDORS';--- <entity_name>;
l_category_name VARCHAR2(100) := 'To Buyer';--<category_name>;
--fnd_global.apps_initialize (<userid>, <applid>,<appluserid>);
SELECT fnd_documents_s.NEXTVAL
INTO l_document_id
SELECT fnd_attached_documents_s.NEXTVAL
INTO l_attached_document_id
SELECT NVL (MAX (seq_num), 0) + 10
INTO l_seq_num
FROM fnd_attached_documents
WHERE pk1_value = l_pk1_value AND entity_name = l_entity_name;
-- Select User_id
SELECT user_id
INTO l_fnd_user_id
FROM apps.fnd_user
WHERE user_name ='Aniket.Agarkar';-- <user_name>;
-- Get Data type id for Short Text types of attachments
SELECT datatype_id
INTO l_short_datatype_id
FROM apps.fnd_document_datatypes
-- Select Category id for Attachments
SELECT category_id
INTO l_category_id
FROM apps.fnd_document_categories_vl
WHERE USER_NAME = l_category_name;
-- Select nexvalues of document id, attached document id and
-- l_media_id
SELECT apps.fnd_documents_s.NEXTVAL,
  1. apps.fnd_attached_documents_s.NEXTVAL
INTO l_document_id,
SELECT MAX (file_id) + 1
INTO l_media_id
FROM fnd_lobs;
fils :=  BFILENAME ('test', l_filename);
-- Obtain the size of the blob file
DBMS_LOB.fileopen (fils, DBMS_LOB.file_readonly);
blob_length := DBMS_LOB.getlength (fils);
DBMS_LOB.fileclose (fils);
-- Insert a new record into the table containing the
-- filename you have specified and a LOB LOCATOR.
-- Return the LOB LOCATOR and assign it to x_blob.
INSERT INTO fnd_lobs
(file_id, file_name, file_content_type, upload_date,
expiration_date, program_name, program_tag, file_data,
LANGUAGE, oracle_charset, file_format
VALUES (l_media_id, l_filename, /*'text/plain',*/'application/pdf',--'application/pdf',--
/*(select fl_l.file_data from fnd_lobs    fl_l where fl_l.file_name='Test')*/
, --l_blob_data,
'US', /*'UTF8'*//* 'AR8MSWIN1256' */  'AR8ISO8859P6', 'binary' /*'text'*/
RETURNING file_data
INTO x_blob;
-- Load the file into the database as a BLOB
DBMS_LOB.OPEN (fils, DBMS_LOB.lob_readonly);
DBMS_LOB.OPEN (x_blob, DBMS_LOB.lob_readwrite);
DBMS_LOB.loadfromfile (x_blob, fils, blob_length);
-- Close handles to blob and file
DBMS_LOB.CLOSE (x_blob);
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('FND_LOBS File Id Created is ' || l_media_id);
-- This package allows user to share file across multiple orgs or restrict to single org
(x_rowid => l_rowid,
x_document_id => l_document_id,
x_creation_date => SYSDATE,
x_created_by => l_fnd_user_id,-- fnd_profile.value('USER_ID')
x_last_update_date => SYSDATE,
x_last_updated_by => l_fnd_user_id,-- fnd_profile.value('USER_ID')
x_last_update_login => -1,
x_datatype_id => l_short_datatype_id, -- FILE
X_security_id => null,--<security ID defined in your Attchments, Usaully SOB ID/ORG_ID..>,
x_publish_flag => /*'N'*/'Y', --This flag allow the file to share across multiple organization
x_category_id => l_category_id,
x_security_type => /*1*/4,
x_usage_type => /*'S'*/ 'O',
x_language => 'US',
x_description => l_filename,--l_description,
x_file_name => l_filename,
x_media_id => l_media_id

(x_document_id => l_document_id,
x_creation_date => SYSDATE,
x_created_by => l_fnd_user_id,--fnd_profile.VALUE('USER_ID'),
x_last_update_date => SYSDATE,
x_last_updated_by => l_fnd_user_id,--fnd_profile.VALUE('USER_ID'),
x_last_update_login => -1,
x_language => 'US',
x_description => l_filename--l_description

(x_rowid => l_rowid,
x_attached_document_id => l_attached_document_id,
x_document_id => l_document_id,
x_creation_date => SYSDATE,
x_created_by => l_fnd_user_id,--fnd_profile.VALUE('USER_ID'),
x_last_update_date => SYSDATE,
x_last_updated_by => l_fnd_user_id,--fnd_profile.VALUE('USER_ID'),
x_last_update_login => -1,
x_seq_num => l_seq_num,
x_entity_name => l_entity_name,
x_column1 => NULL,
x_pk1_value => l_pk1_value,
x_pk2_value => NULL,
x_pk3_value => NULL,
x_pk4_value => NULL,
x_pk5_value => NULL,
x_automatically_added_flag => 'N',
x_datatype_id => 6,
x_category_id => l_category_id,
x_security_type => /*1*/4,
X_security_id => null,--<security ID defined in your Attchments, Usaully SOB ID/ORG_ID..>,
x_publish_flag => 'Y',
x_language => 'US',
x_description => l_filename,--l_description,
x_file_name => l_filename,
x_media_id => l_media_id

DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('MEDIA ID CREATED IS ' || l_media_id);


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