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Assign WorkList Access to EBS User

Script uses API to assign WF User Roles for Worklist access

set serveroutput on
 l_userTable WF_DIRECTORY.UserTable;
 l_roleName varchar2(240):='<EBS USERNAME>';
 l_roleDispName varchar2(240):='<EBS USERNAME>';
 l_userName varchar2(240):='<EBS USERNAME>';
 l_userDispName varchar2(240):='<EBS USERNAME>';
-- wf_directory.CreateAdHocUser(name=>l_userName,
-- display_name=>l_userDispName,language=>'AMERICAN', territory=>'UNITED KINGDOM');
--dbms_output.put_line('After User '|| l_userName);
 l_userTable(0) := l_userName;
 role_users=>l_userTable,language=>'AMERICAN', territory=>'UNITED KINGDOM');
 dbms_output.put_line('After Role '|| l_roleName);

Now run the following sqls to verify the wfds tables

select * from wf_local_roles where name='<EBS USERNAME>';

select * from wf_user_roles where role_name='<EBS USERNAME>';

select * from wf_local_user_roles where role_name='<EBS USERNAME>';

If you want to delete the inserted records,

 --delete from wf_local_roles where name='<EBS USERNAME>' and notification_preference = 'QUERY';

  --delete from wf_user_roles where role_name='<EBS USERNAME>';

-- delete from wf_local_user_roles where role_name='<EBS USERNAME>';

If want to remove the username from and Adhoc Role

exec wf_directory.RemoveUserRole('<EBS USERNAME>', '<EBS USERNAME>','WF_LOCAL_USERS',0, 'WF_LOCAL_ROLES', 0);

This will set an end date to the assignment but will not remove the record; it will be purged by the purge process.

exec wf_directory.DeleteUserRole('<EBS USERNAME>', '<EBS USERNAME>','WF_LOCAL_USERS',0, 'WF_LOCAL_ROLES', 0);


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