Document Open State Errors
Document Manager failures are classified as Doc Mgr Error 1 (Document Approval Manager timeout)
or Doc Mgr Error 2 (Document Approval Manager Not Active).
Any other document manager exception is considered a Doc Mgr Error 3 and the cause can be related to setup issues or a code fix.
How to find additional error messages
When the purchase order or requisition approval workflow fails with a Doc Mgr Error 3 exception, the POERROR workflow will send a notification to the preparer or owner of the document. This notification will display additional error messages. These messages come from the SYSADMIN_ERROR_MSG workflow attribute that is populated by the purchase order or requisition approval workflow during its execution.
1. In order to see the errors via the application, log in as the preparer or document owner and go to the worklist to review the 'Document manager failed' notification. This is an example of one notification sent to the preparer after a document manager exception, with the additional error message highlighted.
If needed, use this script to identify the owner of the document manager notification for a specific document:
select recipient_role, subject from wf_notifications
where status = 'OPEN'
and message_type = 'POERROR'
and message_name = 'DOC_MANAGER_FAILED'
and subject like '%&document_number%';
2. In order to see the errors via SQL*Plus, follow these instructions to obtain the value of the SYSADMIN_ERROR_MSG error message for a specific workflow:
2.1. Identify the workflow item type and item key for the document.
SQL > select, prh.segment1, prh.wf_item_type, prh.wf_item_key
from po_requisition_headers_all prh,
hr_all_organization_units hr
where prh.org_id = hr.organization_id and
prh.segment1 = '&Enter_Req_Number';
Purchase Order:
SQL > select, poh.segment1, poh.wf_item_type, poh.wf_item_key
from po_headers_all poh,
hr_all_organization_units hr
where poh.org_id = hr.organization_id and
poh.segment1 = '&Enter_PO_Number';
Purchase Order Release:
SQL > select, poh.segment1, por.release_num, por.wf_item_type, por.wf_item_key
from po_headers_all poh,
po_releases_all por,
hr_all_organization_units hr
where poh.org_id = hr.organization_id and
por.org_id = poh.org_id and
poh.po_header_id = por.po_header_id and
poh.segment1 = '&Enter_PO_Number' and
por.release_num = '&Enter_Release_Num';
2.2. Run this script using the values retrieved from step 2.1 to see the SYSADMIN_ERROR_MSG value:
select attr_name,
substr(nvl(wiav.text_value, nvl(to_char(wiav.number_value),to_char(wiav.date_value,'DD- MON-YYYY hh24:mi:ss'))),1,300) value
from wf_item_attribute_values wiav,
wf_item_attributes wia
where wiav.item_type = '&item_type'
and wiav.item_key = '&item_key'
and wia.item_type = wiav.item_type
and =
and wia.type <> 'EVENT';
The second column will display additional error messages. For the previous example, the result is as follows:
po.plsql.PO_DOCUMENT_ACTION_AUTH.approve:60:po_req_supply returned false - po.plsql.PO_DOCUMENT_ACTION_PVT.do_action:110:unexpected error in action call
Most common issues for Release 12 and 12.1
How to retry the workflow for documents Stuck in Pre-Approved or In Process Status
Follow instructions in Note 312582.1 'How To Resubmit a Document For Approval When the Document is IN PROCESS Due To PO Document Approval Manager Errors' to retry affected workflows.
Standard Purchase Order Approval fails with error:ORA-01732: data manipulation operation not legal on this view (Doc ID 2224416.1)
Standard Purchase Order approval fails with :
Wf_Engine_Util.Function_Call(PO_REQAPPROVAL_ACTION.OPEN_DOC_STATE, POAPPRV, 34029-34187, 312774, RUN)
Errored Activities
Activity (Display Name): OPEN_DOCUMENT_STATE (Open Document State)
Error_Name: 1
Error_Message: User-Defined Exception
Error_Stack: Wf_Engine_Util.Function_Call(PO_REQAPPROVAL_ACTION.OPEN_DOC_STATE, POAPPRV, 34050-34305, 322879, RUN)
ORA-01732: data manipulation operation not legal on this view -
po.plsql.PO_DOCUMENT_ACTION_CLOSE.auto_close_po:120:unexpected error in updating closed status
po.plsql.PO_DOCUMENT_ACTION_PVT.do_action:110:unexpected error in action call
Upgrade to Release 12 environment.
The issue is caused by a new feature in Release 10gR2 and onward of the Database.
As there are VPD/RLS (security) policies on table/view/synonym referenced, the policies generate a transient view in place of the object name. Optimizer then checks at the time of view merging for the ownership of the different views and if it finds any differences, it raises ORA-1732.
This issue is described in RDBMS internal Bug 4670249 APPS:UNABLE TO UPDATE A TABLE WITH VPD GETTING ORA-1732
- closed as 'Not a bug' by Development with an explanation that this feature exists in database version 10GR2 and onward.
To implement the solution, execute either recommendation 1 or 2.
Doing both should not be necessary.
Recommendation 1:
Update the init.ora parameter to a value of 'False':
'optimizer_secure_view_merging = FALSE'
a) This can be done by editing the init.ora file which typically requires bouncing the database when completed
b) or the session can be altered by running this SQL: SQL> alter system set optimizer_secure_view_merging=false;
Recommendation 2:
Modify GRANT privileges to Apps: GRANT MERGE ANY VIEW TO <username>;'
privilege to go back to 10gR1 behavior.
Once the recommendation has been chosen that is appropriate for the business, relaunch requisition import and Migrate the solution as appropriate to other environments.
Document Manager failures are classified as Doc Mgr Error 1 (Document Approval Manager timeout)
or Doc Mgr Error 2 (Document Approval Manager Not Active).
Any other document manager exception is considered a Doc Mgr Error 3 and the cause can be related to setup issues or a code fix.
How to find additional error messages
When the purchase order or requisition approval workflow fails with a Doc Mgr Error 3 exception, the POERROR workflow will send a notification to the preparer or owner of the document. This notification will display additional error messages. These messages come from the SYSADMIN_ERROR_MSG workflow attribute that is populated by the purchase order or requisition approval workflow during its execution.
1. In order to see the errors via the application, log in as the preparer or document owner and go to the worklist to review the 'Document manager failed' notification. This is an example of one notification sent to the preparer after a document manager exception, with the additional error message highlighted.
If needed, use this script to identify the owner of the document manager notification for a specific document:
select recipient_role, subject from wf_notifications
where status = 'OPEN'
and message_type = 'POERROR'
and message_name = 'DOC_MANAGER_FAILED'
and subject like '%&document_number%';
2. In order to see the errors via SQL*Plus, follow these instructions to obtain the value of the SYSADMIN_ERROR_MSG error message for a specific workflow:
2.1. Identify the workflow item type and item key for the document.
SQL > select, prh.segment1, prh.wf_item_type, prh.wf_item_key
from po_requisition_headers_all prh,
hr_all_organization_units hr
where prh.org_id = hr.organization_id and
prh.segment1 = '&Enter_Req_Number';
Purchase Order:
SQL > select, poh.segment1, poh.wf_item_type, poh.wf_item_key
from po_headers_all poh,
hr_all_organization_units hr
where poh.org_id = hr.organization_id and
poh.segment1 = '&Enter_PO_Number';
Purchase Order Release:
SQL > select, poh.segment1, por.release_num, por.wf_item_type, por.wf_item_key
from po_headers_all poh,
po_releases_all por,
hr_all_organization_units hr
where poh.org_id = hr.organization_id and
por.org_id = poh.org_id and
poh.po_header_id = por.po_header_id and
poh.segment1 = '&Enter_PO_Number' and
por.release_num = '&Enter_Release_Num';
2.2. Run this script using the values retrieved from step 2.1 to see the SYSADMIN_ERROR_MSG value:
select attr_name,
substr(nvl(wiav.text_value, nvl(to_char(wiav.number_value),to_char(wiav.date_value,'DD- MON-YYYY hh24:mi:ss'))),1,300) value
from wf_item_attribute_values wiav,
wf_item_attributes wia
where wiav.item_type = '&item_type'
and wiav.item_key = '&item_key'
and wia.item_type = wiav.item_type
and =
and wia.type <> 'EVENT';
The second column will display additional error messages. For the previous example, the result is as follows:
po.plsql.PO_DOCUMENT_ACTION_AUTH.approve:60:po_req_supply returned false - po.plsql.PO_DOCUMENT_ACTION_PVT.do_action:110:unexpected error in action call
Most common issues for Release 12 and 12.1
Message name (sysadmin
error message)
Comprenhensive list of
known issues
Null (sysadmin error
message is null)
Error might occur in
any package that calls the document manager
returned false -
po.plsql.PO_DOCUMENT_ACTION_PVT.do_action:110:unexpected error in action call. |
the PO)
returned false -
po.plsql.PO_DOCUMENT_ACTION_PVT.do_action:110:unexpected error in action call |
REJECT_DOC (Reject The
ORA-01403: no data found
po.plsql.PO_DOCUMENT_ACTION_CLOSE.auto_close_po:120:unexpected error in updating closed status - po.plsql.PO_DOCUMENT_ACTION_PVT.do_action:110:unexpected error in action call |
document state)
no data found -
po.plsql.PO_DOCUMENT_ACTION_CHECK.authority_check:20:unexpected error in
authority_checks_setup -
po.plsql.PO_DOCUMENT_ACTION_PVT.do_action:110:unexpected error in action call |
(Does Approver Have Authority?)
How to retry the workflow for documents Stuck in Pre-Approved or In Process Status
Follow instructions in Note 312582.1 'How To Resubmit a Document For Approval When the Document is IN PROCESS Due To PO Document Approval Manager Errors' to retry affected workflows.
Standard Purchase Order Approval fails with error:ORA-01732: data manipulation operation not legal on this view (Doc ID 2224416.1)
Applies to:
Oracle Purchasing - Version 12.2.6 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Standard Purchase Order approval fails with :
Wf_Engine_Util.Function_Call(PO_REQAPPROVAL_ACTION.OPEN_DOC_STATE, POAPPRV, 34029-34187, 312774, RUN)
Errored Activities
Activity (Display Name): OPEN_DOCUMENT_STATE (Open Document State)
Error_Name: 1
Error_Message: User-Defined Exception
Error_Stack: Wf_Engine_Util.Function_Call(PO_REQAPPROVAL_ACTION.OPEN_DOC_STATE, POAPPRV, 34050-34305, 322879, RUN)
ORA-01732: data manipulation operation not legal on this view -
po.plsql.PO_DOCUMENT_ACTION_CLOSE.auto_close_po:120:unexpected error in updating closed status
po.plsql.PO_DOCUMENT_ACTION_PVT.do_action:110:unexpected error in action call
Upgrade to Release 12 environment.
The issue is caused by a new feature in Release 10gR2 and onward of the Database.
As there are VPD/RLS (security) policies on table/view/synonym referenced, the policies generate a transient view in place of the object name. Optimizer then checks at the time of view merging for the ownership of the different views and if it finds any differences, it raises ORA-1732.
This issue is described in RDBMS internal Bug 4670249 APPS:UNABLE TO UPDATE A TABLE WITH VPD GETTING ORA-1732
- closed as 'Not a bug' by Development with an explanation that this feature exists in database version 10GR2 and onward.
To implement the solution, execute either recommendation 1 or 2.
Doing both should not be necessary.
Recommendation 1:
Update the init.ora parameter to a value of 'False':
'optimizer_secure_view_merging = FALSE'
a) This can be done by editing the init.ora file which typically requires bouncing the database when completed
b) or the session can be altered by running this SQL: SQL> alter system set optimizer_secure_view_merging=false;
Recommendation 2:
Modify GRANT privileges to Apps: GRANT MERGE ANY VIEW TO <username>;'
privilege to go back to 10gR1 behavior.
Once the recommendation has been chosen that is appropriate for the business, relaunch requisition import and Migrate the solution as appropriate to other environments.
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